Hope for Widows

Reflections on Mourning, Living, and Change

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Find treasures, purpose, and hope in a new journey marked by changes and challenges.
It's a paradox. Following the death of a spouse, some widows can barely boil water yet must make major decisions. Reevaluating finances, handling changes to legal documents, and learning new skills require attention, even while you may be struggling to think straight or focus through tears. 
With personal reflections, questions, and expressions of gratitude, join Marilyn Nutter in recognizing God’s faithful presence in details and unusual places. Sixty-five brief readings cover widows’ universal experiences with poignant honesty. Marilyn applies Scripture and relevant quotes to grief and mourning and looks with transparency at how widowhood dramatically changes a woman’s life. Amid the readings are opportunities to journal treasured memories, reflect on the additional losses that accompany the death of a spouse, and appreciate unexpected gifts. 
Though nothing can fix this irreversible loss, Hope for Widows offers you connections in your grief, guiding you to see hope, grace, and camaraderie on an unfamiliar path.

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More Information
Product Code: BX451
Language English
ISBN: 978-1-64070-284-4
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 192
Publish Date: Jan 1, 2024
Trim Size: 6" x 9"
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