Diferente como yo

Different Like Me

by Xochitl Dixon

In Different Like Me, take your child on a journey with a diverse cast of children working collectively to launch a giant fish balloon. Along the way the children learn what brings and enables them to win... together.

Whether in looks, cultural background, physical prowess, or academic excellence, there are no two children exactly alike. Children born different may feel they do not measure up with those around them. They look, communicate, act, or just think differently. Different Like Me helps them know that being unique is good and that God has made them as they are for a purpose.


En Diferente como yo, lleva a tu hijo a un viaje con un elenco diverso de niños que trabajan colectivamente para lanzar un globo gigante en forma de pez. En el camino los niños aprenden lo que contribuyen y les permite ganar...juntos.

Ya sea en apariencia, antecedentes culturales, destreza física, o excelencia académica, no hay dos niños exactamente iguales. Los niños que nacen diferentes pueden sentir que no están a la altura de aquellos que lo rodean. Miran, se comunican, actúan, o simplemente piensan diferente. Diferente Como Yo los ayuda a saber que ser únicos es bueno, y que Dios los ha hecho como son con un propósito.

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More Information
Product Code: AU864
Language Spanish
ISBN: 978-1-64070-164-9
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 32
Publish Date: Apr 5, 2022
Trim Size: 9" x 9"
Age Range: 3-7
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