Sense of Wonder

Delighting in God's Presence throughout the Holiday Season

Celebrate God with Us with all five senses!
Amid the busy preparations and commitments of the holidays, God invites His children to rest in the wonder, hope, and stillness of baby Jesus laid in a manger. 
This holiday season, celebrate God’s most precious gift by going on an experiential journey that engages all your senses as you slow down to savor God’s presence. Whether lighting a candle, tasting a holiday treat, or listening to beloved Christmas carols, rejoice in Jesus’s birth with your whole mind, body, and spirit! 
Through 50 devotions starting at Thanksgiving and going into the New Year, you’ll pray with gratitude and worship Jesus for coming to save you, and for promising to come again as the conquering King. Reconnect with the God who dwells in you and who will realign your relationships with others—and yourself—even in the busyness of the season.

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Product Code: EG833
Language English
ISBN: 978-1-64070-339-1
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 200
Publish Date: Sep 6, 2024
Trim Size: 6" x 9"
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